Most clients feel uneasy talking about settlement amounts. This is because most people feel that their motives will be questioned or they will be made to feel as though such talk is in poor taste. The reality is that you need to be able to talk about what your case is worth openly and honestly with your attorney. This is because the very purpose of hiring an attorney and the laws that apply to your case have been enacted to make sure that victims of personal injury cases are fairly compensated for their injuries with money damages. Accordingly, we must be able to talk about it.
At the end of the day, your biggest concern will be how much money you can put in your pocket after all of the doctors, liens, and other expenses have been paid. At our firm, we will have frank discussions about the value of your case. Sometimes cases settle prior to the filing of a law suit. Other times, a settlement will be had once a law suit is filed and the insurance company realizes that you, the client, are committed to seeing your case through and bringing your case in front of a jury if necessary.
At Jorge Luis Colón, P.A., we are prepared to help you with these decisions and will be at your side through each step of the way.